4 Disciplines to Achieve Important Goals

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Are you finding it hard to achieve your Important Goals?

You might find the answer in today’s post as to achieve any goal one needs discipline. What are these disciplines of execution and which one is the most important to get right?

There are 4 Disciplines to Achieve Important Goals that one must execute in order to see results. When applied, the 4 Disciplines produce extraordinary results by tapping the desire to win that exists in every individual.

These are the 4 Disciplines to Achieve Important Goals:

Discipline 1 – FOCUS –

Focus is the No.1 discipline for a reason. Extraordinary results can only be achieved when you are clear about what matters most by giving priority. As simple as this principle may sound, few leaders ever master it. Successful people focus their efforts and time on their goals and eliminate the sources that distract them.

Discipline 2 – LEVERAGE

Few people understand this. With unlimited time and resources, you could accomplish anything. Unfortunately, your challenge is usually the opposite: accomplish more with less. Leaders find real leverage and how to use it to produce extraordinary results. Successful people hire their weaknesses and focus on their strengthens.

Discipline 3 ENGAGEMENT

You have the authority to make things happen, but you want more than that – you want the performance that only passion and engagement can produce. As a leader or entrepreneur you need to become an authority and what authority does is engaging with the people or customers. Nowadays technology is a great way to do that but also offline meetings and seminars will help you engage better to hear how you can best help the people you are leading.


No matter how brilliant your plan or how important your goal, nothing will happen until you follow through with consistent action. Being accountable to your goals is highly important and having accountability partners will keep you on the track and in the path to achieve your goals. As we say… life gets in the way but goals are part of your life.

Ultimately, Discipline 4 is the most crucial, since it’s the discipline where the actual “game” is played. But remember, Discipline 4 can only happen because Disciplines 1 through 3 set up a winnable game.

So many entrepreneurs focus on the idea but don’t end up executing. Why do you think this happens?

There are two fundamental reasons that execution is so difficult. The first is that it requires people to change their behavior. Simply put, if you want to achieve goals you’ve never achieved before, you have to do things you’ve never done before. Changing human behavior is never easy, but it’s even harder because of the second challenge: implementing these changes in an environment that’s already swirling with urgent priorities – what we call the Whirlwind. Together, these challenges can derail even the best leaders from achieving their goals.

Prioritize your time so you can concentrate on what’s most important

There are three specific requirements for concentrating your time on what’s most important:

The first requirement is getting the leader to narrow their focus. This is not only hard in the beginning, it’s hard to sustain because leaders are always drawn to new ideas. While innovation is important, without focus the team cannot succeed – so leaders must learn to say “NO” or “Not Now” to new ideas until the results on the strategy have been achieved.

The second requirement is focusing on leading outcomes or behaviors, rather than overall results. Leaders are most often measured (and compensated) based on results, and over time, most of their focus is on these outcomes. Unfortunately, this focus doesn’t drive the highest performance – it’s like driving a car while looking in the rear-view mirror.

The third requirement is to institute a cadence of shared accountability. When accountability only exists between each team member and their boss, its effect is limited, but when team members feel accountable to each other, their performance shifts from being professional to personally important. Our experience has consistently shown that people will work hard to avoid disappointing their boss, but they will work harder to avoid disappointing their team. The result is a dramatically increased level of performance and follow-through.

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