Are You Giving Up my friend? Watch this…

Hey seriously… Are you Giving Up my friend?

People start new jobs, new sports and new businesses every single day. The truth is how many are going forward to achieve their dreams with what they are doing?. Only the few survive. The easy way out is to quit but how bad this sounds. A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.If You Are Giving Up my friend you should watch this inspirational video.

This 400 metres runner shows why you should NEVER EVER… EVER EVER EVER… NEVER EVER Give up on your dreams. He did the race with blood, sweat & tears in his eyes. That is what needs to be done to succeed in life. Being uncomfortable to achieve your goals. Derek Redmond is amazing no wonder 65,000 standing ovation showed their gratitude to the athelete and it is an inspiration to all of us out there.

“Defeat doesn’t finish a man — quit does”

Are You Giving Up… NOW???