My Products
Follow Up Mastery Audio:
This product was designed to help you in following up with your prospects, blog leads & social media leads. 90% of the people aren’t going to join your company immediately, so they they a follow up meeting. This is a 30 minute Mp3 Audio together with a cheat sheet that has the best follow up scripts that my team and I use when it comes to following up with any prospect. There is Money in Follow Up!
The Personal Branding Recipe + Check List:
Are you seriously still branding your company? This product was designed to help you create a personal brand that gets you attention hence get you quality prospects to do business with you or become a customer of yours. Most distributors/reps in your company are promoting their company so if you want to stand out of the crop, you've got to start branding yourself TODAY!. This is an ebook with a check list that will help you figure out how to build your personal brand by following that recipe to success.
Il-Bidla - MixTape Audio bil-Malti:
L-ewwel MixTape Mp3 Audio bil-lingwa maltija ghal maltin kollha… Ghalik B’Xejn! (Rigal ta’ Gratitudni). Inti student jew studenta, persuna sportiva, qed taghmel xi tip ta dieta jew xi challenge, forsi persuna ambizjuza fil-hajja, ghandek business jew qed taspira ghal BIDLA ahjar f’hajtek? Fid-dinja kullhadd ghandu bzonn ta’ motivazzjoni ghax kif jghidu il-motivazzjoni tinhela u kull wiehed u wahdha minnha ghandu jintela bil-motivazzjoni u jkun ispirat sabiex jibqa ghaddej miexi il-quddiem jeghleb l-ostakli li jsib sabiex jilhaq l-ghanjiet tieghu.
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