Looking to have the facts about Network Marketing so you can finally join a company and start working on your business?!?
You are in the right place.
Probably you are here to learn more if Network Marketing is a fit for you or not… isn’t it?
So, in this post I am about to share with you 15 Shocking Facts About Network Marketing you probably never knew existed (or maybe most of them).
You can also checkout this case-study in here and to use it as a resource.
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The 15 Shocking Facts About Network Marketing You Don’t Know About!
1. A Women Dominated Industry/Profession

Did you know that 74% of the People Involved in Network Marketing are women?
26% of the men are involved in the business.
The majority of Top 20% income earners in Network Marketing are women and couples
2. Exponential Growth

In 2015, 103 million people were involved in network marketing globally, up 4.4% from 2014. A significant factor that accounts for this growth, both in sales and people involved, is the global rise of entrepreneurship.
3. Network marketing is thriving in both advanced and developing economies

The world’s top 10 countries for network marketing (accounting for 80% of global sales) are the U.S., China, Korea, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, France, Malaysia, and U. K. Six of these are “Advanced economies” and four are “Developing economies” according to the International Monetary Fund.
Download this Network Marketing 2018 Report here.
(Courtesy of MastermindEvent.com).
4. The Rise Of The Entrepreneur

The definition of an entrepreneur is a “bearer of risk”—a person who has an idea or ideas and is willing to take the risk of acting on them.
Since we all face and take risks in life, we are all entrepreneurs. In the U.S. 86% of people hold positive attitudes toward entrepreneurship.
Today more and more people want to be entrepreneurs, and network marketing provides the means to be in business for yourself, but not by yourself.
5. It pays reps/distributors $208M/ a day in commissions worldwide

Network Marketing companies paid over $76 Billion to their distributors in 2017.
There is no limit of how many one can earn in this profession.
Most people start and become reps/distributors to generate an extra income on the side on their spare time or part-time.
Some others who take it more seriously they have achieved financial independence through Network Marketing.
6. It’s a $189.6 Billion Industry

Well larger than NFL, Music, Video Games and Movies.
- NFL: $9.5 Billion
- Music Industry: $15 Billion
- Video Gaming Industry: $76 Billion
- Movie Industry: $88 Billion
- Natural Food Industry: $90 Billion
Network Marketing companies generated nearly 1.5 Trillion dollars in sales since 2009.
7. Every 10 Seconds Someone Joins A Company

It is fascinating that every 10 seconds someone from around the world joins a Network Marketing company.
If you are looking for a Network Marketing company to join. Fill in the form here and we might work together.
8. It is the Secret behind the Success Of Many Entrepreneurs

Endless successful people and entrepreneurs that you might have seen, heard or watched them being interviewed such as Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins, Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Grant Cardone and Paul Zan Pilzer, they all speak highly about the Network Marketing Profession not just as a business model but as a way that an average person can learn the right business skills and increase their personal growth and be successful.
9. Top 100 Companies are Responsible of 90% of the Industry Global Volume.

There are thousands of companies out there from wellness, household, make up and travel, but there are only 100 companies that are responsible of 90% of the Industry Global Volume.
Check out the Top 100 Direct Selling Companies of 2018 here.
10. It is a Franchise but without the High Cost

Network Marketing is a franchise model with low cost of entry.
You do not need to invest tens of thousands of dollars but for under $500 you can join a company and be in profit in your first month (when you follow the company system and mentorship plus you do the work.
Globally on average each distributor generates $1,600 in sales volume per year.
For every 100 distributors, that’s $160,000 in volume per year.
11. It is Recession Proof

When the 2008 recession hit the world, Network Marketing grew 24% and it is expected to survive future recessions.
That is why a lot of people join also during recessions as they look for ways to generate extra additional income.
12. Community and Branding

Particularly in the past decade, with online social interaction and information immediately accessible, consumers are constantly seeking validation from reference groups, peer reviews, and community when identifying with a brand.
Network marketing’s value proposition provides exactly that.
13. Technology and E-Commerce

Technological advancements and evolving e-commerce platforms have allowed network marketing companies to give their distributors tools to easily expand their business.
Online ordering, 24/7 access to training, and no need for inventory are making it easier than ever for network marketers to succeed.
14. Engaging and Empowering People

Personal touch gives network marketing an advantage over buying a product off the shelves.
In addition to showcasing the benefits of the products, network marketers can act as coaches, helping people stick to their resolutions and experience success in their new venture.
15. Personal Growth And Skill-Set

Personal growth is a major component of Network Marketing, where normal people are being taught how to become successful starting from changing their mindset (from an employee mindset into an entrepreneur mindset).
Training events that every company has are what helps every individual to grow and grow their organizations globally.
In these 15 Shocking Facts About Network Marketing, you have seen the potential of this profession.
This serves as an education for those who never heard about this profession or they have mis-conceptions about it due to lack of facts and information.
I hope this helps you and by sharing it with others (maybe as a resource) will help them decide that there is a better way out there.
Did This 15 Shocking Facts About Network Marketing post, Help You? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you comment below and share it on Social Media.

Gordon Attard’s Network Marketing Blog Email: Gordon@GordonAttard.com
Instagram: @Gordon.Attard
Facebook Page: Gordon Attard
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