5 Keys to Improve Your Network Marketing Inviting Skill

5 Keys to Improve Your Network Marketing Inviting Skill

5 Keys to Improve Your Network Marketing Inviting SkillAre you looking for more ways to Improve Your Network Marketing Inviting Skill?

Are you finding it hard to get more eye balls in front of your product, service or opportunity? In today’s post you are going to find out 5 Keys to Improve Your Network Marketing Inviting Skill.

Now, I still remember my first days in this Network Marketing Arena and I was overwhelmed with information as the guy who introduced me gave me over 18 links to check out and pdf files to print. It was like he wanted me to turn from a newbie to a pro in the first 3-7 days 🙂 Luckily, I was a person who understood that it will take time to learn certain skills to start building my organization.

Let me tell you, what I have found out is that in our business the two most important skills to learn faster and to master are Inviting & Promoting. The rest you can be average or good at them but these two skills are important as they are the money making skills. Pretty simple, if you suck at inviting you are not going to grow your team and if you are not promoting you cannot explode your team. So focus on these skills and make sure you help your new team members to get great at these two skills without overwhelming with a lot of things.

Inviting is the No.1 skill to teach others how to do it properly. As humans we have the tendency to explain rather than invite and that makes it harder to get people see what you are doing. Inviting must be simple and duplicate-able.

When you are inviting someone your focus must be in following these keys here…

The 5 Keys to Improve Your Network Marketing Inviting Skill are:

#1 Enthusiasm 

Are you enthusiastic about what you promote?  Without a doubt, we all show our enthusiasm in different ways and we all have different energy.  But you must show your enthusiasm in some form or fashion. Do you have a true passion for what you promote?  If not, it’s going to be very difficult to get anyone to listen to what you say. This is why we suggest to use the Call Invite as people will hear your tonality hence your enthusiasm.

Do you have a passion, but you don’t have enthusiasm?  Change that!  You’ve got energy and excitement that others need to hear it in your voice, see on your face, and feel from the energy you express. Without enthusiasm, prospects simply will not buy into what you have to share.

#2 Posture 

If you have the Right Posture people will flock to you! You have to have confidence in what you have to offer.  You have to know that what you are sharing with them has the potential to change their lives. You have to believe that you have a better way and have something they need. Some people will tell you… What is it? What is it all about?

Having posture means also that having control of the invite (or the call). A great tip that I use is… it is 90% Visual or It is something you’ve GOT to see!

A strong belief is a must! The moment you start attending your company events, go seek out stories of people who have what people are seeking.  Do what you have to in order to build a strong belief (even flying abroad if you have too) that will give you the confidence you need to exude posture in what you have to offer and will increase you invitation turn out ratio.

If you’re not confident in what you have, prospects simply will not buy into what you have to share.

#3 Curiosity

Big part of inviting is creating curiosity! Make sure to start off to never share the name of your company or what is the product about etc… why because you are basically feeding them to ask you questions. That’s not creating curiosity. In fact this is where most network marketers blow it.  If there is a lack of curiosity,  why would they show up?

Bad marketing practices have REALLY messed up curiosity for many network marketers. People blast their products all over social media hoping that someone will see a picture of their product and instantly think “I’ve got to have that!!”  You see company logos every time you open Facebook and those reps think “when they see my logo, they’ll want to join me!!”  This is the very reason you will not see my company name on my social media pages.  You want to have people asking you what you do.

Bad marketing removes curiosity from the equation and when done in the previous examples if people are curious they then are able to Google your company and they will see that what you do is a scam.  Seriously, Google your company and you will find out it’s a Scam.  …now it’s not really a scam, but that’s what people see when they Google it.  As it turns out, my church is a scam, Wal-Mart is a Scam and the Tuna Chunks you like are a scam…

As you invite, create some curiosity.  It will open up many conversations and presentations. Without curiosity, your prospects will not make the effort to see what you have to offer.

#4 Value

Giving them what they want not what you think they want to have. Most of us come to a prospect with the mentality of what we can get from them. You need to be a person of value and be that person who can serve them. So what you need to think of are these questions… How can you help them?  How can you serve them?  What problems can you solve for them?.

Ask questions to see how you can bring value to your prospects.  Genuinely help them.  When a person knows that you are there to bring them value, they will listen. You’ve got to remember, it’s all about THEM. Without creating value, prospects simply will not buy into you and what you have to share.

#5 Direction

People need direction.  People need to be told what to do (not in a bossy way, but in an instructive way).  So when you’re going through the invite process tell them the process or give them instructions on what needs to happen. Do you need them to show up at a certain place?  Give them exact instructions on what needs to happen. here a couple of example “Let’s meet at Starbucks tonight at 7pm sharp” or “Are you at home tonight?. I am popping by your place after work and that’s at 6pm”. Remember you are in control here not them.

Once you are with them ask for their other contact information so you can always follow up with them. I always plug them in my social media platforms as they can always follow what I am doing, where I am traveling next and how my life is changing.

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Gordon Attard’s HGordon Attardome Based Business Blog
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“I Teach You the Right Mindset, Best Marketing Tips and Sales Strategies to Make More Money!”

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PS: If You Are Struggling in Following Up with your Prospects, This is the Course You Should Get – Click Here

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