Are you looking to get more people to invest in YOU or taking you more seriously when you are presenting your business?
In today’s post I am going to share with you the No.1 secret that after many years, I have found out to be the No.1 way to get more people to join you.
Wanna 10X Your Fun & Grow A Global Business?
Would you like to be in a position where you could possibly generate more profits than your salary income?
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Just imagine that feeling, when you don’t need to convince people and pitch your products…. as they already want to have more fun, don’t they? I was hoping to find that magic wand 6 years ago.
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If you are doing Network Marketing as a hobby, you will attract people that are looking for a hobby or a hobby income.
You have to take it seriously.
It starts with YOU!
Unfortunately, a lot of people get into the Network Marketing Profession because that taught it is a ‘Get Rich Quick Scheme’ which it is NOT.
The low-risk investment is what attracts these kind of people (who are looking for a quick buck), who do not see it as others (the ones who are serious) who instead of seeing it as a $300 investment, they see it as they have invested $300,000 to get started.
You’ve got to put in the work, treating it like a business. (If you want it to pay you like a business)
Invest in yourself

This is by far, the most important thing you MUST do at all times and not when someone is watching.
You have to commit towards your growth.
You have to make it a habit to read great books, to listen to audios and to watch videos/documentaries or clips on YouTube that keeps you focused on your growth.
Once you start dedicating 1 hour out of your day consistently into your personal growth, what will happen is that people will start to see a different you.
How come?
Because you will think differently, you will talk differently and you will present yourself differently (in a better way).
All Network Marketing Leaders are readers and fond of self growth.
That is a clue!
Invest in your business

Committing to growing yourself is one of the secrets but here is another component that you must do in order to get more people to join you.
And that’s…
By attending training events of your company, generic Network Marketing Training Events, then masterminds (when you have a big organization).
Read Also: My Top 10 Reasons To Attend Network Marketing Events!
Most amateur Network Marketers think that first they have to make the money in order to start investing in their business and attending events.
That is why they will end up quitting the profession as they are not seeing the value in being surrounded by like minded people, leaders and around the culture.
You will always see top leaders at the events, they are the first to book the next one and they are the first to promote it.
Duplicate what the top leaders are doing.
Increase your Value

The more you are absorbing and increasing your knowledge, the more content you have.
For the past 7 years, this has helped me to be knowledgeable, to have experience, to have results in the Network Marketing Profession.
Now, instead of put to sleep my notes, I started turning that knowledge and notes into videos on my You Tube Channel and into Blog Posts just like this.
I found out that this is a great way to get more people to join you and want to work with you…
Because they know who you are, they know what value you can bring, so that is what makes them trust in you.
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Gordon Attard’s Network Marketing Blog Email: Gordon@GordonAttard.com
Instagram: @Gordon.Attard
Facebook Page: Gordon Attard
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